Sweet Sixteen Bonus Super Challenge Speed Money Round

Here's a little twist to this year's pool. For those of you familiar with golf or poker......we're going to analogize this to "pressing" or "buying back in", respectively. For those of you who are luckily unfamiliar with those two matters this will be considered an elective option that you can choose to go with in order to improve your score. Of course, there's always the chance that you could hinder your score as well......

If you choose this option, your score as it stands now (see yesterday's post below) and the picks that you made prior to the tournament will be wiped clean and you will have the opportunity to complete an abbreviated bracket that has been reset to reflect the sixteen teams that remain in the tournament. Since your current score is wiped clean, and because this is an elective option that anyone can take, the point values for each win will be increased if you choose to elect into the bonus pool. However, the new point values will only apply to those who take the option and will be in reverse staggered order (5 pts. for any win in the Sweet Sixteen, 3 pts per win in the Elite Eight, 2 in the Final Four, 1 in the Championship).


If you're at the bottom of the leaderboard and want a fresh stab at the teams ......this option may be for you!

If you're at the top of the leaderboard and you think that the enhanced point values can give you a boost at this point or you think that with all of those Cinderella teams out of the way that picking will be easy the rest of the way......go ahead and elect!

And now for the mechanics of electing:

(1) Click here to view the amended bracket, compare it to the picks you have and see if this is the right choice for you,

(2) Send me a quick email or post a comment on this page requesting an "edit-able" copy of the new bracket,

(3) Fill it out all the way through the Championship game,

(4) Send it back to me at jdorfman82@yahoo.com by 7:00pm on Thursday March 22nd.

As soon as I hear from people, I will keep a running tally on this page of those who have elected, in case this helps in your decision-making/positioning.

Best of luck choosing what's the best option for you!

Postscript: This option will not be made available after any subsequent rounds, choose now or stay the course with what you have.


  1. *moosie* said...
    If i lose my coveted second place position to a "Sweet Sixteen Bonus Super Challenge Speed Money Round" usurper, I'm going to boycott the awards ceremony.
    Jeremy said...
    Noted.....your absence will be missed. Although, you do have the choice of opting into the SCSMR yourself....something to ponder in lieu of whatever our reading is for NYCP.

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