2nd Round put to bed

Well, the last two games are all but finished at this point.....Kansas is making its last few free throws and USC is finishing off the Longhorns (if only I could have been saying that about last year's Rose Bowl). The standings are as follows so far:

Ray, clearly using everything that his son taught him about picking basketball games, is leading the pack after having had at least a share of the lead for the entire pool so far. Susan is in a close second, but can't seem to shake Beth off her tail who is rounding out the top 3. As for the tournament itself, all 4 number 1 seeds are still alive and 3 out of the 4 number 2 seeds are still kicking. The SEC and the PAC-10 both have 3 teams advancing to the Sweet Sixteen, while the Big 12 and the Big East both have 2 teams each advancing.

With the damage from the first two rounds done it appears that 5 out of the 11 pool participants have their Final Four "intact". With that said, keep checking back to this site this week as I'm contemplating a bonus Sweet Sixteen pool........


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