Let the fun continue......

Alright, games tip-off at 1:10pm Eastern time today. Here's a link to a new sheet of everyone's picks for the Second Round.

Interesting tidbits:

(1) Beth, with her love for the Colonial Athletic Association, not only picked VCU to upset Duke, but she has them advancing today as well.....gotta love it; for the record, George Mason is also a part of the CAA

(2) There are two games today getting a Shamrock stamp of approval for what should be outstanding match-ups: Louisville/Texas A&M and Georgetown/B.C.

(3) Sue so far has the best single day record with a 14-2 performance yesterday....not too shabby

(4) Every single person has picked UCLA to advance past today, this is the only team that can boast a unanimous vote, including the number 1 seeds.

(5) Beth and Janet are the only two people that have their brackets "intact" going into today, meaning all of their picks for today are still possible.

Good luck everyone and keep an eye out for those Shamrock games!


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