Unbelievable......if Kansas had beat UCLA tonight there would have been a three-way tie for first place! But alas, the Bruins of Westwood channeled the Wizard and were able to outlast those pesky Jayhawks to become the 2nd team to make it to Atlanta for the Final Four (set to face the winner of Florida vs. Oregon). Ironically enough, Kansas, who was the overall Number 1, is the first 1 seed to be eliminated.

Janet and Ray continue their sparring for the Number 1 spot, with Ray regaining the top spot. That three-way tie for third remains, however based on their picks for Sunday's games I'm afraid the triumvirate will be broken up by the end of tomorrow. With 6 people who have the potential of going 2-0 tomorrow there could be a lot of shake-up. At this point we're down to only 7 people who have their Final Four picks still intact.

Here are your scores....and don't forget that tomorrow's games start at 2:40.


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