Saturday's results

Wow, three overtime games (one of which went to double overtime).....pretty exciting day in the tourny. Looks like everyone took a gigantic "swing and a miss" on the Maryland game, pretty impressive that Butler is in their second Sweet 16 in 4 years. If Butler makes it to the Final Four this year in Atlanta, with just over 3,600 students in their undergraduate program, they could manage to get about 20 times their student body into the Georgia Dome to watch the game.

Luckily for everyone, I just saw that the UCLA game went final with the Bruins holding off the late Hoosier run. And with the UCLA win, Janet has now tied Sue's single day winning percentage record with her 7-1 performance.

Here's the updated leaderboard of where we all stand at the moment:

Tomorrow's the last day when win's are 1 point each, after that this contest is back up in the air and is anyone's ballgame!

1 Comment:

  1. Jeremy said...
    Absolutely, though I liked most of your underdog seems in past years that that is the trick to winning this type of thing.

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