Congratulations to Beth and the Defending Champion Florida Gators!!! Not only was Ms. Elliot the only remaining contestant with a contender in the championship game, but she had the winner picked. Here's how the final rankings played out:

Also recognized should be Ray and Janet who rounded out the top 3, both of which occupied first place for at least one of the rounds of the tournament. Props also to Ray for having the best win/loss record (too bad his favorite son had to implement a weighted point system).

All things considered, this tournament turned out to be outstanding. Some great early round games, perhaps not as many upsets as predicted, and a championship game that was won by clearly the best team in the tournament. For the college sports purists out there I don't think you could have asked for a better ending. This was a Florida team that won the championship last year and instead of making a fast-break for the NBA draft the players made a decision to stay and defend their title. Not only did they successfully defend that title but most, if not all, of those who were NBA-bound have now improved what they can bring to the league. Not to mention, they provided us with a final game that showcased what many would say would be 6 first round draft picks.

And now the building process begins for next year. So keep your eye on all of those practice courts at Boston College, Central Conn., George Mason, UCSD, Virginia Tech, UVA, UCLA, Notre Dame, San Jose St., Eastern Ill., UofT, and Arizona because there's always another year of Madness.....

And finally, the single greatest montage of sports put out every year at the end of the tournament here is One Shining Moment (kleenex please).


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